first off:: thanks for redoing my blog for me!!
{yes, i am very illiterate when it comes to that kinda stuff...}
{yes, i am very illiterate when it comes to that kinda stuff...}
but the reason why i am doing this post for you is because these past couple days i have been super rude and i wanted to apologize and tell you how much i love you. girl. seriously you are my sister!! you are ALWAYS there for me. especially when boys are stupid, or when someone like you comes on {HA} or when i am stressed beyond belief about who knows what? thanks for being able to put up with my crazy moods, my pointless stories, and my weird family... haha gotta love em. you really are the bestest friend that i could ever ask for! i love that you know who you are, who you want to become, and where you are going in life. i know that we can rub each other wrong sometimes, but literally five miinutes later we are fine. and i love that its like that! i dont know what i would do if you were mad at me for longer than that... haha lets not let that happen ;) i love that you use my {crappy} love life to write new songs and your WONDERFUL ;) love life to write songs that i will dance to at my wedding ;) ha.
thanks for being YOU! love you sis!!