Wednesday, December 5, 2012

hello friends!

there have been some recent complaints about me not blogging in so long... so i figured that i better do it again. it's not that i haven't wanted to, i've definitely had the best intentions, but just no time. instead of writing a ten page catch up on what has happened lately, i'm just going to do the following:: my friend, annie holdsworth, nominated me for the liebster award. (granted, this was like a week or two ago)  which is a way for blogs with under 200 followers to get their names out and about. the criteria is as follows

must list 5 things about yourself
answer 11 questions the nominee creates for you
choose your own favorite 11 blogs to nominate
create questions for them to answer
let them know they have been nominated

here goes::
1 - what is your favorite food?
french toast. not with maple syrup, but either with butter and powder sugar
or buttermilk syrup.
2 - who is your hero?
my hero is my mom. not matter what she is always serving others. she'll come home from long, hard day at work and still find time to do things for the young women in my ward, or decorate for christmas. she is so selfless and so loving.
3 - where is your favorite place in the world?
being with loved ones. friends. family. you name it.
4 - do you have any regrets?
not that i can think of. i try live my life to the fullest and enjoy every minute of it.
5 - what's your most embarrassing moment?
to be honest, i really don't get embarrassed. if anything, all i do is blush and laugh it off.
6 - what are you looking forward to in the near future?
christmas!!i have a lot of holiday spirit this year!! and graduation. i can't wait to get out of high school. but i know that i shouldnt be wishing it away so fast!!
7 - what career do you want to pursue?
i think that i want to be a labor and delivery nurse at the hospital, but im still not sure.
8 - do you like where you are at this point in life?
for the most part, yes. i have a family who loves me, a close group of friends, a job, and a cheer squad. i am so very blessed. there's always something that we would want to change in life, but as for now i'm content. i'm happy.
9 - who is your best friend?
my best friend. hard to say. i have my homies: emily bradford, jonny bradshaw, rylie elder, jorgen rasmussen, maddie parcell, cole jesperson. hunter kofford is definitely on the list too. there's many more as well. it's hard to pinpoint just one.
10 - where do you want to get married?
ever since i was a little girl, i dreamed to get married in the hawaii temple. but i know that's probably not going to happen. so, i would have to say the manti temple.
11 - what is your dream?
to be married in the temple with a hot husband whois worthy to take me there. have cute babies and live my happily ever after.
sorry that all of these answers are pretty cheesy. i did this pretty quick. but as for the people that i nominate::
annie holdsworth (even though she nominated me.)
here are my questions for you::
1. who is your biggest role model
2. something that no one knows about you
3. a friend that has made the biggest impact on your life.
4.whats your favorite christmas tradition?
5.whats your 11:11 wish?
6. if in an interview you were asked "who is (insert name)?" how would you resond?
7.why do you blog?
8. what is something that you are dying to tell someone but are too afraid to say it?
9.are you an optimist or a pesimist?
10.if there was one thing you could change in this world, what would it be?
11. if you could do anything for one day, what would it be?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

goin crazy.

its 11:47. i should be in bed. but no, im up writing my political issues paper that i have been procrastinating for two months... hahah yikes. i have so much energy right now and i am loving life (because im too distracted to do my paper. hate that paper.) i havent blogged in a long time, and a lot has happened!! i'll catch you all up on everything when i turn this paper in.
 but as for now, happy halloween!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

tender mercies.

today wasn't bad, but it wasnt good either. i went to cheer and the day seemed to be going great! we finally hit our pyramid that we've been working on for awhile! then went to art. fell asleep. freak yes!! took a nap in the library until third period. went to clothing and that class is obviously a joke. found some things out that made me sad, but tried to be optimistic since there was obviously nothing i can do about it. be happy for others. look at the bright side of things. then went to lunch and found out more bad news. do you guys ever do anything? yeah, no. thats what i thought. by the time i got to forth i was trying to be happy but it was taking a toll.
 *ding dong* this chick is getting answered to sadies!! be right back!
so precious! i'll explain later!
so anyways... back to forth period. i had a misunderstanding with my teacher and my emotions were already out of wack. so basically i start bawling in the middle of class. yeah. i dont cry in front of people. i was so so embarrassed it wasnt even funny. i was fine by the end of the period and all was well. tears releave a lot of stress. its okay to let them out every once in a while.
after school we went to slab! slab monday's! best pizza place out there! then went and bought fabric for my boxers. superman. thats whats up. came home and tried to sleep. worked for about twenty minutes. then couldnt sleep more. so i got up and started cleaning my room. i was kinda down on myself and then i hear my phone buzz. when i looked at it, it was from rachel. {read her blog. its amazing} just seeing her name made me smile. i opened the text and this is what i saw::
even though she's hundreds of miles away she still knows how to make me smile. love you to death rach!! thanks for making my day just a little bit brighter!! so grateful for the tender mercies that the big guy upstairs sends us everyday. he sure knows what he's doing!
went to a movie for family night. saints and soldiers. pretty good. came home. started blogging. doorbell rang. and here we are!
SO:: here's how i asked jorgen. the theme is cowboys. i know this is cheesey, but bear with me. we thought that we were hilarious!! oh. and btw i asked Jorgen Rasmussen!
i got a hay bale, rope, rootbeer, and pork and beans and said::
"Hay" Jorgen!
I'd love to "rope" you in for sadie's!
It'd be a "rootin tootin" time!
and then stuck my name in the middle of the hay bale... hahah yeah it took him forever to find my name! haha i love it!
the answer::
"Hay Brittany! Before I answer your request, I'd first of all like to play a little jest. Pull on the rope and read what's inside, then you will discover where my answer doth hide.
"congratulations! you've completeed task one! despite the triumph, our little game still is not done! now onto task two. fear not, your journey will soon be through. search through the bale of hay, that you find the next clue is what i hope and pray."
"task two has now been completed, i hope the hay did not leave you defeated. in this riddle you will find the last clue, and only then will this little game be through! when the weather outside is frightful, i help to keep your carpets delightful. i sit on the floor, right in front of your door, i greet all who enter, i may even have some mud in my center. who am i?"
"I see that you have figured out my last clue, my answer is YES, i'd love to go to sadie's with you!"
super cute and so creative!! props jorgen!!
they watched me then entire time... and i was about 15 feet away from them and didnt even see them, all four of them! haha so sad! super excited to go with him!!
thats all for now! hope i didnt bore you all to death and that you still have a pulse...
sweet dreams.
xoxo, brittany



Wednesday, September 26, 2012

college life.

Today was college day! Representatives from most of the school in Utah came and did presentations at out school. I went to the SUU, USU, and BYU presentations. I wanted to go to the U of U as well but didn't have enough time. As of now, who knows where I'll end up! It's crazy that those decisions are here and ready to be made!! Applying for schools is expensive... I never realized. After that we had lubch and went to all of our classes. They were 35 minutes. What's the point? Yeah, no one knows. But the plus side is I didn't have to take my math test! Bonus! Today was a rather ho-hum day. Nothing too exciting. Love my girls in math::

ps. look at this gem i found at a clothing exchange i did in my ward. yup. its velvet. nbd.
off to go ask my date to sadie's! tata for now!
xoxo, brittany

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

days like these.

days like these when the sky is cloudy. when its rainy outside. when im wearing boots and cardigans. when i go home during school to get hot chocolate. when sweats keep me warm. when my heater in my car works. when i have friends around me that love me. when old friends become new friends. these. these are the days that i love. these are the days that bring a smile to my face. these are the reasons why i love fall so much.

xoxo, brittany

Monday, September 24, 2012

starting the day off right.

This morning I was able to go to the Provo temple with hunter. I've been wanting to go for the last couple weeks but haven't done it yet. I went in with an open heart to see what He would have me learn. I learned today that Heavenly Father definitely has a sense of humor. He loves to laugh just as much as we do, am I'm pretty sure that he was up there giggling with us when a boy was being confirmed for a girl. I'm grateful that I live so close to the temple and have the oppurtunity to go in the morning. I highly recommend it! :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

we'll sing and we'll shout.

dear friends,

i figured today was a good day to blog. so, as of lately::

i went to homecoming with peter stratton! he is one of the sweetest kids you will ever meet!
i was so excited when i found out it was him!
for our day date we went rock climbing at the quarry friday after school!
 i had never been there before, but it was a total blast!
of course my date was the pro, but i did my best to keep up with him! ;)
we won our homecoming game vs salem hills!
it was so fun reliving my sophomore year with all the girls there! i loved it!


homecoming was a complete and total blast! i actually wore my moms dress that she wore to her senior homecoming! it was so sweet! my group was hilarious! so many one-liners from that night! so glad i was able to get to know all of them better! :)

dont mind that he's only ten inches taller than me.... even with 4 inch heels on.
thanks so much peter for taking me! couldnt have asked for a better date!
school is in full swing now! its crazy that midterm was this week and that much of my senior year is already over. i keep saying that i just want school to be over and i just want to graduate. but, truth is, i really dont. i love all my friends and it'll be so weird not going to school with them and seeing them everyday anymore! but, bring on the college boys! ;)
korbin turned five yesterday!!! cant believe all that time has flown by! i love that little man big huge much, as he would say. we also found out that kameron and miriam are expecting!! yay!! i have been needing another little baby in my life! they are due on march 14! they arent finding out what it is this time, but im crossing my fingers that its a little girl!

today was the brigham city temple dedication! we went to the nine o'clock one, and sadly i was kinda tired... but i still felt the spirit extremely strong. especially when we were singing the spirit of god and the words "we'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven" came up. i am so grateful to be in this gospel. i am so grateful for my testimony and the strength that it gives me.
now i'm off to go read a book for downs class. you know me, procrastination at its finest!
love you all and thanks for reading!
xoxo, brittany

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Went to tumbling tonight. At TNT. Holy cow was it crazy being back. It made me realize how much I love cheer and how much I miss competing. Improvement. That's all they're asking. And boy,  do I feel good after that! So happy to be getting back into things. Finally.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

late night thoughts

Have you ever had these moment where everything changes? Where you realize something and then you're just like holy crap, what do I do now? Yeah. I've had a few of those lately. And I honestly have no idea where everything's headed. Do I do this? Do I don't do that? What the heck??  I wanna live on the edge. I wanna take chances. But I don't wanna get hurt. Sometimes I just wanna take the easy way out. Sometimes I wish I could just quit my job. Sometimes I wish I just could be an irresponsible teenager and have life be a breeze. But I'm not. And life's not. So I just have to buckle down, come back to reality, put a smile on my face, and rememeber that everything happens for a reason and is for my benefit.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

and so it begins.

who would ever have thought that the day would come? the day that i start my senior year in high school. well that day was yesterday. and boy, can i say it was not as i would've expected it to be. i had always thought that i would be jumping for joy thinking about going into my senior year of high school. i mean, i'd be the oldest, the one on top. but thats not exactly how it went. i was surprised to see how tall all the squishmores were. i mean, they're all still babies, but come on!! do they have to be a full head taller than me? i don't know exactly of what i was expecting when i walked into each one of my classes, but whatever it was, it wasnt that. school is stressful, and this year im gonna have to work hard! but even though i may be stressed, and i may be shorter than everyone, and it may be different than i expected, i honestly am excited for this year. i'm excited that it's my last one, but at the same time it's super bitter sweet. it's my last first day of school. my last first football game. my last homecoming. my last year before i move out (yes, my parents are making me move out after i graduate.). there's losts of lasts, but it can't help but get me excited for all the firsts that are to come! getting ready for college and applying for college is going to make me so nervous and so scared, but at the same time, i am so ready for it. i am ready to be out on my own. i am ready to live my life. senior year has a lot in store for me, and i cant wait to see what it brings.

Friday, July 6, 2012

called to serve.

last night my older brother, ryan, recieved his mission call!! he  is called to serve in the portugal, lisbon mission. he will be speaking portuguese and leaves on november 14! we can't be more excited for him!!

this summer has been a blast!!! from spending time with friends, to working late hours and going to park city, life has been crazy! its hard to find time to blog... and we all know how good i am at this stuff. but life really is good! its crazy for me to think that im going to be a senior! i feel like life is flashing right before my eyes, but i love it! i am so happy to be growing up and experiencing new things. cheer has been way good this summer! i love all the girls on my squad and love the time we spend together! we for sure know how to party!! im off to go to lunch with my brother for his birthday, but for now, enjoy some pictures::

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

i know i said i wasnt posting again til the weekend... but i have something to say.
i finally found my motivation. skinny bod here i come!
running/cardio everyday.
half marathon before school starts.
eating healthy.

here's to a new me.

hi friends

long time no blog, eh? life has been absolutely crazy since the last time i have blogged. lots of firsts! first prom, first car accident, first/last senior cheer tryout, first new squad practice, and first break up. yeah. about that... i bet you are all DYING to hear the juicy details... but lets be real here, there are maybe five of you out there, if i'm lucky. i promise that i will write a big post this weekend, once i catch up will all my piles of homework that i haven't done. procratination at its finest my friends! but for now, remember to talways keep your head up and stay close to the big guy upstairs.
he knows what he's doing.

Friday, March 23, 2012

time to breathe.

this been by far the most craziest/stressful week of my life. consider student council elections {im running for activities chair}, cheer tryouts, end of term, and work. yayyyyy!! lets just say that me and my group of friends have been a little bit on egde this week... bless our hearts!!

life is going great though! i cant believe that today is the end of term and i only have one term as a junior left. third term has flown by! i am so excited for summer! i got sunburned drving around yesterday... like really?? how does that happen? no idea. 

im in financial lit right now and am suppoed to be doing a survey... ehh whatevs.

i'll let you guy know how everything goes these next couple weeks. sorry for the quicky.

S/O to my brother ryan!!! he's going into surgery today! love you bro!! everythings gonna go great!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

happy leap year.

today only comes around every four years. why not make the best of it? ;)

life is treating me well lately. sorry i kinda left you guys hanging in my last post... but most of you know whats been going on in my life. whether its concerning friends, family, school, or boy. but, for those of you that have no idea what im talking about, i'll gladly clue you in!

lets start with basketball, shall we? we played MV, the "loved" cross-town rivals on valentines day. can you say what a freaking good game?? i totally thought we were gonna lose. but, we pulled through! so proud of my tiger boys!! we then finished out the season undefeated in region! so cool right? yeah, i think so too! we are now in the state playoffs and have won both of the games so far. we are playing bountiful in the semi-finals on friday!! lets go boys! finals are on saturday. how sick would it be if we won? yeah. pretty freakin rad. just a sidenote:: i cant believe that cheer is almost over. tryouts for the 2013 squad are march 19-21... im gonna be a senior... so weird.

school. well lets just say i am the queen of procrastination. and its starting to catch up with me... i didnt do any of my math homework from this past homework, but still somehow got 100% on my test... no idea how i did that? guess math still is my strong suit. chemistry is kicking my butt. i am finally getting good at it again though. BIG NEWS:: i got a 97% on my test. yup. i havent done that good since first term. so proud of myself! all the rest of my classes are nap time. except spanish. i got married in that class today... dont ask.

i am glad to say that i have rekindled some lost friendships in the past couple weeks! i finally learned that admitting i wrong and getting over myself and my pride is way better than having to be right. yeah... lets just leave it at that.

meet boy.
jonathan david bradshaw.
we have been best friends for the past three years. i love this kid! he really is the sweetest boy. we know eachother so well and i absolutely love that! im not worried about telling him anything, because i know he is there for me, like he always has been. jonny and i are so close already and it just feels right. he's a great guy and a total cutie right?? yup. gotta love him.

sorry for the picture quality.... gotta love iphones.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


People say that good things happen to those who wait. I couldn't agree more!! But, everyone that knows me knows that patience is not my strongest point. And admitting that I'm wrong is right above that one... The big guy upstairs works in mysterious ways. Lately I have seen His hand in my life more than ever before. I know that He sends people in and out of our lives at certain times for a reason. We go through life with who knows how many friends. Some we keep. Some we lose. And some are lost at first, and then regained. He teaches us that its better to admit that you're wrong than get mad or even live in regrets. Boy has taught me a lot lately... Heavenly Father definitely knew I needed boy right now. He knows us better than we know ourselves. And Heavenly Father, let me just say this:: thank you for helping me FINALLY have patience... Cause you knew everything would work out like its supposed to. With school. With friends. With family. And even with boy. ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


i dont understand why homework is so hard to do... i mean i got on the computer so i could look up my stupid RCP articles, and then end up on my blog... its funny that whatever is the least important thing in life is what i always end up doing instead of homework. insta? you betcha! twitter? ghetto, but i love it. fb? always loved it. temple run? freak yeah. i know... im addicted to my phone.. but i am getting better! it doesnt help that i cant sleep at night so i play on my phone until i fall asleep. this blog post is going no where... i guess that the title is rather fitting. anyways, wish me luck on getting my homework done, cause we ALL know that its not gonna happen.

i love cheer.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

livin the life

Today, feb 7, 2012 is a day that will go down in history. Yes, we had to go to the ER and Mia got 28 stitches. I had a teacher that got so mad at me for being late since I took Mia to the hospital... Oh I was ticked. Let me tell you!!! But on the plus side, I got out early from school, I got to have an H2H with some girls that I haven't talked to in a long time, {I know you guys read this... so can I just say that I missed you and am SO happy we talked??} cheered at the girls game who WON!!! So proud of you ladies!! Cheered as the boys won in overtime! Such an intense game!! And had some cheer bonding time?? Yup. Let's call it that. Full moons? They do me well. And that's that.

6 am assembly rehearsal tomorrow? Fml.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Well hello lovelies!! I realized thy I have sounded rather pessimistic on my blog lately... Life is hard sometimes... But I promise that half the time it's just me being an over dramatic teenaged girl who has to have things perfectly her way sometimes... All the time actually... But hey, at least I admit it right?? Boy {yes, him. the one ive been blogging about...} is trying to get me to admit that I'm wrong more often... And let me say, with him it's a lot easier to admit it...

But anyways... Life. Cheer is sadly almost over!! We had our last competition on Saturday, which was kinda rough. But hey, at our last one we took first and won overall! So I would say that it has been a pretty good season!! We only have four {4} region games left. Holy moses. The. We're off to state! I think we are goin all the way this year... That'd be pretty rad!! We are undefeated as of right now!! Let's hope it stays that way!! It's gonna be so sad cheering next year without gabby and all of the other seniors! I love those girls! They have made cheer an adventure!! Its almost even more weird that I'm going to be the oldest and a senior next year!! I still feel like I should be in like 9th grade or something!!! Growing up stinks... You have to worry about school, bills, a job, and to top it all off, a boy! Boy right now is being confusing. We both want the same thing but he decided he wants to play the confusing card and not know what's going on... Gotta love it! Boy is a sweetheart though! And maybe of all goes well, I'll reveal who boy is. Maybe. We'll see how it goes!! Maybe this valentines day I'll actually have a valentine... ;) haha I got asked to the sweethearts dance by Isaiah young!! He is such a sweetheart! I'm super excited! Well I'm falling asleep as I'm writing this... Early morning practice tomorrow... So I better go. But thanks for all of my fellow bloggers/readers!!! Leave a comment so I know you've been here!! Love you all!!! Xoxo

Thursday, February 2, 2012


ask me if i got the one class that i really really wanted. ap psych. nope.


what a way to end my day.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

school blows.

how the freak am I supposed to study for a test if I don't even know what I'm supposed to be studying?! I hate government.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


him and I.... we understand eachother. We can talk our heads off and not get sick of eachother. we are there to listen when we need it. we give advice when we need that too. I'm finding myself falling faster and faster for him. more and more. and I'm hoping that he feels the same way. i love that he can call me anytime and take me on a drive. long drives... those things are good... but dont worry, we are keeping the no parked cars no bedrooms rule. gotta ctr!! teenagers are supposed to take risks. to fall in love more than once. To experience heartache...which by the way I most definitely have. I'm ready to leap. here's to him catching me.

Monday, January 30, 2012

happy monday everyone!! :)

today was actually a rather good day!! i woke up. didnt feel too great but went to cheer anyways. ran my pacers, stretched, tumbled, and started working on the captains dance, but since gabby was hurt, we just helped the other groups. BUT... this is big! i finally learned how to do a back walk over. yes. i have been able to do a backhandspring for 7 years. yes i can do a standing tuck. no. i have never been able to do a back walkover. this was huge! i was loving life!!

after cheer i went to finacial lit. aka nap time. it was much appreciated! seminary with bro judd proved to be good, as always, and lunch i.... dont even remember. but hey. it was good!! then in fourth period, english, we went and started learning about registration for next year... yeah. we register this thursday... holy cow. senior year really is here. i have some big plans for senior year:: cheer captain {hopefully}, stud co {hopefully}, ap calc, ap psyc, concurrent enrollment class, and distant ed. yup. i am loading my schedule up. i always thought that i was going to make my senior year such a breeze, but there is no point in doing that when i could be getting my college credit for FREE. yup. we are so so lucky! to say the least, i am super excited for next year! bring it on!! :)

 after school we had practice, which went wonderful! i love my competition squad and am so happy with how good we have gotten this past year! i cant wait to compete on friday! also, we are performing our competition routine at the halftime tomorrow {tuesday} so EVERYONE COME!!!

registered for efy! rachel stratton are going july 30-aug 4. i seriously can not wait!!

rocked the nappy bun today. i may look a little bit asain, but i sure loved it!! :)

wondering when i'll finally break through...
crossing my fingers and toes.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

life as it is.

you dont wana know how many posts i have written without actually posting them... a lot has been on my mind lately. a lot. mostly about the future and what it holds for me. some about the past though. some looking back and wishing that things never changed. some looking back and laughing at the memories. as i reflect upon my life and how its been lately its almost as i come to a stupor of thought. i dont know where the time has gone. im not saying that my life is terrible or bad in the least bit, but its crazy to see what heavenly father puts in our paths and how hard satan tries to pull us down. ive been talking to a friend a lot recently and hearing their thoughts about how sad it is to have all these "friends" that go to church every sunday, do what they are supposed to, and even give the thought in seminary, just to turn around and crack a dirty joke or laugh at something inappropriate or even do something that you wouldnt do in front of your bishop let alone your parents. it kills me at how hard satan is pounding on us, trying to get us to give in even just a little bit. we live in an age where we have so much around us tempting us. its hard to get through things sometimes. its hard to stay happy. but i know that through Him we can do anything. stick to those who will lift you up. not drag you down.

2012 has already flown by in my eyes. its weird to me to think about all that will happen this year. im registering for my senior year this week. senior year. holy cow. im gonna be the big girl on campus... cheer tryouts for the 2012-2013 squad are less than two months away. ryan will be putting in his mission papers and going to serve the Lord for two years. i'll be the only one at home. tiff and jamie are moving to ohio (or iowa?) and then who knows where for law school. my family is growing. changing. but no matter what i know that we will always stay close.

life is great! i love my cheer squad and my friends around me. i love my family and the support and love they show me. i love the little things that make my day. i love when someone says hi to me in the halls. i love life.
wow... when i decided to finally write a post that is not how i expected to be... but it was on my mind and obviously needed to get out.

here are some random pictures that you might enjoy::

red pants? who knew?

preference with kevin urquhart::

competition season is nearing the end::

i know that this has been rather lengthy and boring... but my mind has been in so many different directions lately that its not even funny. i will try to post more often but, you can see how well that is going!!

ladies!!! lets go rock it this weekend! we can do this! i am so proud at how welll did did at our last competition {we took first in our division and won overall as well!!!} we have worked so hard this year! all those early morning practices... lets show utah what we are made of!!! WHO ARE WE?? CHEERIOS!! :)