Wednesday, December 28, 2011

just a quicky


its whatever.

this is hunter posting for brittany.. i just remodeled her blog for her.... isn't it cute???
yeah, i'm jealous.

brittany is crazy working girl and she has no time to breathe.... let alone blog... so, here i am.
about to go on a date.....
butttt its fine.

maybe one of these days we'll have our normal brittany back..
until then, she says:
"are you sure you don't want a large?"
"that'll be 7.50."

sianara. or whatever that is in chinese.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


its crazy how fast life comes at you sometimes! with a blink of an eye, my junior year is half way over. another blink and i'll be a senior! its wierd cause i keep telling myself that i dont wanna grow up and that i just wanna live life in the moment, with no stress, but i take a step back and realize how much i really have grown up this year. obviously i still am the fun-loving teen that u akways have been, but i've gone through and experienced things that have made me gain a greater perspective on life. no, im not saying that extreme things have happened, but its almost all the little things added together that have made me grow up the most. cheer has taught me a lot of leadership this year and how to handle things as they are thrown at you. i now have a job which has made my time managing skills a lot better. well... lets be real here, i still suck at managing my time, but im getting better. dont judge! as we were decoratig my tree this year u was sitting there thinking about how this is my last christmas with my brother home. next here he wil be out serving a mission for the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. the holidays wll be me and my parents. literally. i know that eventually everyone grows up, moves out, and gets on with life, but im the youngest. i always knew that there would be a point in my life where it would just be me and the parentals at home, but i never realized how close it actually was! dont get me wrong, i love my parents, but this will be interesting. for all three of us. my friendships have gone through ups and downs, loops, and everything else you can imagine. i have come to know my heavenly father better, and him to know better as well. im grateful for all of the experiences that i have had and for the person that i a. im grateful for the true friends in life that i can trust anything and everything with.

Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
-Steve Jobs