must list 5
things about yourself
answer 11 questions the nominee creates for you
choose your own favorite 11 blogs to nominate
create questions for them to answer
let them know they have been nominated
answer 11 questions the nominee creates for you
choose your own favorite 11 blogs to nominate
create questions for them to answer
let them know they have been nominated
here goes::
1 - what is
your favorite food?
french toast. not with maple syrup, but either with butter and powder sugar
or buttermilk syrup.
2 - who is
your hero?
my hero is my mom. not matter what she is always serving others. she'll come home from long, hard day at work and still find time to do things for the young women in my ward, or decorate for christmas. she is so selfless and so loving.
3 - where is
your favorite place in the world?
being with loved ones. friends. family. you name it.
4 - do you
have any regrets?
not that i can think of. i try live my life to the fullest and enjoy every minute of it.
5 - what's
your most embarrassing moment?
to be honest, i really don't get embarrassed. if anything, all i do is blush and laugh it off.
6 - what are
you looking forward to in the near future?
christmas!!i have a lot of holiday spirit this year!! and graduation. i can't wait to get out of high school. but i know that i shouldnt be wishing it away so fast!!
7 - what
career do you want to pursue?
i think that i want to be a labor and delivery nurse at the hospital, but im still not sure.
8 - do you
like where you are at this point in life?
for the most part, yes. i have a family who loves me, a close group of friends, a job, and a cheer squad. i am so very blessed. there's always something that we would want to change in life, but as for now i'm content. i'm happy.
9 - who is
your best friend?
my best friend. hard to say. i have my homies: emily bradford, jonny bradshaw, rylie elder, jorgen rasmussen, maddie parcell, cole jesperson. hunter kofford is definitely on the list too. there's many more as well. it's hard to pinpoint just one.
10 - where do
you want to get married?
ever since i was a little girl, i dreamed to get married in the hawaii temple. but i know that's probably not going to happen. so, i would have to say the manti temple.
11 - what is
your dream?
to be married in the temple with a hot husband whois worthy to take me there. have cute babies and live my happily ever after.
sorry that all of these answers are pretty cheesy. i did this pretty quick. but as for the people that i nominate::
annie holdsworth (even though she nominated me.)
here are my questions for you::
1. who is your biggest role model
2. something that no one knows about you
3. a friend that has made the biggest impact on your life.
4.whats your favorite christmas tradition?
5.whats your 11:11 wish?
6. if in an interview you were asked "who is (insert name)?" how would you resond?
7.why do you blog?
8. what is something that you are dying to tell someone but are too afraid to say it?
9.are you an optimist or a pesimist?
10.if there was one thing you could change in this world, what would it be?
11. if you could do anything for one day, what would it be?