Hello lovelies! Just thought I would take a moment on this fine Easter Sunday and tell you how much my Savior means to me. I know that my savior lives and loves me. I know that he died on the cross and suffered in the garden of gethsemane for me personally. He knows me. He knows my strengths and my weaknesses. He carries me through the good times, the bad times, and the worst times. He always has my back, and is always looking out for me. He's my ultimate big brother and loves me unconditionally! All of this, as well as much more, applies to every single one of you as well. And I know that if you let him in, he will watch over you. He loves you!
This Easter was spent in fabulous New Orleans! I'm visiting my sister an her family, haven't seen them since August! It's been a long awaited reunion! I love my family more than anything! It's amazing how much my sister means to me! I saw her and literally stated bawling! It's hard not seeing her everyday, or even being able to just go over to her house whenever I want. But the best part is that nothing's changed. We're still as close, if not closer than ever! I love that woman!
Since my last post, I have decided where I will be attending college {yes, I'm that old} in the fall. I will be a freshman at souther Utah university in cedar city, Utah. Honestly the weirdest thing to know where I'm going and see how much my life will be changing! I can't be more excited to get on to the rest of my life, but am terrified as well! I can't wait to see what He has in store for me.
No pictures for now, but I'll try to post all about my trip when I get back. Goodnight lovelies
xoxo, britt