Wednesday, September 26, 2012

college life.

Today was college day! Representatives from most of the school in Utah came and did presentations at out school. I went to the SUU, USU, and BYU presentations. I wanted to go to the U of U as well but didn't have enough time. As of now, who knows where I'll end up! It's crazy that those decisions are here and ready to be made!! Applying for schools is expensive... I never realized. After that we had lubch and went to all of our classes. They were 35 minutes. What's the point? Yeah, no one knows. But the plus side is I didn't have to take my math test! Bonus! Today was a rather ho-hum day. Nothing too exciting. Love my girls in math::

ps. look at this gem i found at a clothing exchange i did in my ward. yup. its velvet. nbd.
off to go ask my date to sadie's! tata for now!
xoxo, brittany

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

days like these.

days like these when the sky is cloudy. when its rainy outside. when im wearing boots and cardigans. when i go home during school to get hot chocolate. when sweats keep me warm. when my heater in my car works. when i have friends around me that love me. when old friends become new friends. these. these are the days that i love. these are the days that bring a smile to my face. these are the reasons why i love fall so much.

xoxo, brittany

Monday, September 24, 2012

starting the day off right.

This morning I was able to go to the Provo temple with hunter. I've been wanting to go for the last couple weeks but haven't done it yet. I went in with an open heart to see what He would have me learn. I learned today that Heavenly Father definitely has a sense of humor. He loves to laugh just as much as we do, am I'm pretty sure that he was up there giggling with us when a boy was being confirmed for a girl. I'm grateful that I live so close to the temple and have the oppurtunity to go in the morning. I highly recommend it! :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

we'll sing and we'll shout.

dear friends,

i figured today was a good day to blog. so, as of lately::

i went to homecoming with peter stratton! he is one of the sweetest kids you will ever meet!
i was so excited when i found out it was him!
for our day date we went rock climbing at the quarry friday after school!
 i had never been there before, but it was a total blast!
of course my date was the pro, but i did my best to keep up with him! ;)
we won our homecoming game vs salem hills!
it was so fun reliving my sophomore year with all the girls there! i loved it!


homecoming was a complete and total blast! i actually wore my moms dress that she wore to her senior homecoming! it was so sweet! my group was hilarious! so many one-liners from that night! so glad i was able to get to know all of them better! :)

dont mind that he's only ten inches taller than me.... even with 4 inch heels on.
thanks so much peter for taking me! couldnt have asked for a better date!
school is in full swing now! its crazy that midterm was this week and that much of my senior year is already over. i keep saying that i just want school to be over and i just want to graduate. but, truth is, i really dont. i love all my friends and it'll be so weird not going to school with them and seeing them everyday anymore! but, bring on the college boys! ;)
korbin turned five yesterday!!! cant believe all that time has flown by! i love that little man big huge much, as he would say. we also found out that kameron and miriam are expecting!! yay!! i have been needing another little baby in my life! they are due on march 14! they arent finding out what it is this time, but im crossing my fingers that its a little girl!

today was the brigham city temple dedication! we went to the nine o'clock one, and sadly i was kinda tired... but i still felt the spirit extremely strong. especially when we were singing the spirit of god and the words "we'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven" came up. i am so grateful to be in this gospel. i am so grateful for my testimony and the strength that it gives me.
now i'm off to go read a book for downs class. you know me, procrastination at its finest!
love you all and thanks for reading!
xoxo, brittany

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Went to tumbling tonight. At TNT. Holy cow was it crazy being back. It made me realize how much I love cheer and how much I miss competing. Improvement. That's all they're asking. And boy,  do I feel good after that! So happy to be getting back into things. Finally.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

late night thoughts

Have you ever had these moment where everything changes? Where you realize something and then you're just like holy crap, what do I do now? Yeah. I've had a few of those lately. And I honestly have no idea where everything's headed. Do I do this? Do I don't do that? What the heck??  I wanna live on the edge. I wanna take chances. But I don't wanna get hurt. Sometimes I just wanna take the easy way out. Sometimes I wish I could just quit my job. Sometimes I wish I just could be an irresponsible teenager and have life be a breeze. But I'm not. And life's not. So I just have to buckle down, come back to reality, put a smile on my face, and rememeber that everything happens for a reason and is for my benefit.