Wednesday, June 5, 2013

class of twenty 13.

as i sit here in my bed thinking of all the things that has happened in my life the past couple months, i am overwhelmed with emotions. there are so many changes that have already happened in my life and there are still so many to come...

as you can tell by the title of this post, i am now a graduate of orem high school. how did this happen? how am i this old, you may ask? well, to be honest, i ask myself the exact same thing every single day. how did i grow up so fast? when i look back and think of the seniors my sophemore year, i always thought that they looked so mature and so grown up, and when i look at myself i still see a baby. don't get me wrong, i am more than ready for this stage of my life and could not be more excited, i just dont understand how in just a few months i will be moving out on my own and off to college, and even more insane how one of my very best friends is leaving for two years to serve the lord in just a few short hours. time flies when you're having fun!! ;) can't believe how grown up we are! just look at us cuties...


and by far my favorite picture of them all....

i love my best friends and am so incredibly proud at the decisions they have made for the future. i think about the chances that i have to see all the kids in my senior class ever again and realize how slim they are. it's crazy to me to think that you never will see the kids that you have spent the last 13 years going to school with. i am so interested to see where life takes everyone and who ends up where.
as for now, im trying to make my last summer, before the real world comes at me full tilt, as memorable as i possibly can. i have so many plans for this summer and can't wait to fulfill all of them.
i know that my writing doesnt make sense all the time and jumps from place to place, and who knows if anyone actually reads this thing of mine, but sometimes all i can do is try to write my feelings out, just to get them out. thanks for the followers that are still actually there. i would love to promise that i'll write more, but i know that this is a total lie. if you wanna know about my life, you know how to get ahold of me. xoxo britt

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