Tuesday, May 31, 2011

sweet 16 :)

i am FINALLY 16!!

wednesday: {my birthday}
i was woken up by hunter and louisa screaming and jumping on me!
we went to the temple and to hunter's for breakfast.
skipped first. late to second.
then SPIRIT bowl after school!!

you could say ryan was a little happy he won...

i promise i am fully clothed!

so so fun!!

then back to hunter's to get ready again.
then to mi casa for a famdamily dinner!!
lemon zuchini fettucine :)
had cake and ice cream/opened presents
i got:
JB movie
$20....... in nickels.
{keep in mind thats 400 nickels.}
17 gold dollars.
cute shirts.
shopping spree.
i think i am forgetting something...
all in all it was a good day :)


school. super lame.
got asked on a date!!!
{by george mccann}
went to the dentist to pick up my invisalign.
retainers to make my teeth straight again. cause they relapsed.
thennnn more shopping!
bishop interview!
ah, gotta love bishop adamson!!


got outta school at 12!
went to hmk's.
made some italian soda's!
and learned how to pop whip cream off your wrist into your mouth!

then went to cheer...
where i found out that i am a
on the ohs varsity cheer squad :)
superrr excited about that!
then went and got ready for my date!
george came and picked me up and we went up the canyon
with jake boettcher and jen layton and had a picnic!
then we went and played tennis!
i really need some help with that...
haha but it was still a blast!
then george looked at the clock and realized it was already 8.
he told me that he had to be at a piano recital at 8...
so i kinda started freakin out that he was gonna get in trouble.
but they insisted to take me home and not go the the recital.
so we pull up to my house and hunter and louisa were outside.
and there was a sign on my door that said:
"please go around to the back"
hmmm. weird.
so then doorstep scene, dont worry, no kiss on the first date!
opened my door and my dad was right there so i introduced them.
my dad insisted that he had to show george something...
so we go up to the great room and i peek around the corner.
i see lots of people and hear
oh man. they got me good!!
turns out that george really didnt have a piano recital.
freak. i worried for nothing!!
hunter louisa and my parents/fam planned my party.
it was super fun!
thanks for everyone who came!!
and if you didn't, you missed out!
friday was a gooood day :)


ward clean up.
went to kristee's and watched 3 ninja's with her and kenz!!
"rocky loves emily." haha i love it :)


went to church
was officially made a laurel!
hung with the fam~


memorial day.
more like national bbq day.
babysay noa
bbq with the family!
went to the park
lots of fun!


no cheer.
"final" in history.
more like come to class, take the test, and get 100%
spanishh final....
but luckily i still got an A!
no more classes with {him}.... :(
then wento to iceberg with tiff and noa!
babysitting him while she is gone.

{louisa mae jarman.}
girl. i love you!!
you do not need a boy to be you!
you deserve the best you can get, and he hasnt come around yet.
you are beautiful.
on the inside AND out!
love you forever!!
pictures from this week to come!!!
got a new camera and dont know how to upload pictures...

i am getting my first niece in approximately.....
5 days!

only 3 days of school left!
{practically like 1}

quote of the day:

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive,
 and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


in less than an hour i will be


thats all for now :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

wake me up when this is over.

friday i babysat. and helped my mom with.....
kirsten's baby shower on saturday!
she got a MILLION clothes!
so cute :)
then hunter and louisa came over.
got stuck doin ryan's pictures forever!!!
then we went to gibson's.
and then boyfriend #2's
he cracks me up!
then went to cafe rio.
back to alec's.
and hunter's.
then to louisa's!
lots of driving.
tried on her GORGEOUS prom dress!
then went and hung out with alec and david.
hahah david is super awkward. SO funny!!
"do you have a girl friend? want one?"
"come snuggle with me! no!!!"
lets just say it was a good night!
kinda a lame sunday.
today was a rather good day.
physics crt. rough. i suck.
health.... TOO many people swear in that class.
had a quick wendy's run so ryan and elia could get their "talent"
talent show in sem sem.
i made brownies...
along with two other people.
{hunter, my pan is still in your locker...}
ryan and elia showed us the "12 steps to eat a hamburger"
hahah it was hilarious!!
they were trying to be proper... best thing!!
"wanna go kiss in the rain??"
"yeah! but wait. i cant ruin this. i've waited 16 years minus two days.
so not worth ruining it... sorry."
haha i love my husband ;)
then went to lunch with hunter and louisa!
we went to wendy's. again.
twice today.
"you came over here to say hi to her and only her?"
yes. i hate people that are rude to me and
expect me to be their best friend.
we had some good chatting though.
boys are dumb.
i love louisa mae jarman with all my heart!!!!
you are amazing girlie!!
then had english. read a play.
"wake me up when this is over."
that was my part!!
"who do you think you are?!"
erika's part.
totally explains us!!
then afterschool we found out who our new coach is!!!!!!!
abby's mom!
i'm excited it think it will be great!!
then had a half hour practice...
sorry girls.
then assembly tryouts.
came home and did math.
pretty interesting i know!!

i am stoked. wanna know why?!
2 days til i'm 16!!
less than 48 hours baby :)
{spirit bowl is on my bday!! big relay here i come!!}

"he has dibs on your first date!"
oh boy. i am crossin my fingers!!!!!!!!

8 days of school left :)

sometimes people change.
friends change.

quote of the day:

"nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
but anyone can start today and make a new ending."
-maria robinson

Friday, May 20, 2011


so guess what?!
i finished my history paper and got
145/150 :)
had to stay up til 1:30 to do it cause my computer turned off...
but hey it all payed off!

pictures from ryan's senior picture photo shoot:
these are hunter's and my favorites!

yes ladies, he's a cutie!!
call him up ;)
hahaha good thing he doesn't read my blog...
cause i'd be in BIG trouble for that one!

and one picture of me that we took:

my hair is kinda crazy...
didnt expect that to be doing pictures of me.
hunter made me grab my uniform and there ya go!

so on wednesday for yw's we went to PPT :)
that was my first time there and i absolutely LOVE it!
saw some kids i went to elementary school with!!
(we were the only girls {6} out of probably {75} boys!)
one of them helped me learn how to do a double front flip!!
yay :) best feeling ever!!!

thursday i stayed after for math for a long time!
2 hours! granted that half the time we were just talking.
then i went to kirsten's baby shower!
{i still want baby to come on my birthday!!}
and then another baby shower!
then to target where it was pouring rain and i got soaked!!
i got the cutest outfit for my neice :)
i'll show a picture AFTER the shower!
dont wanna ruin the suprise!!

todai i didnt fall asleep in ANY of my classes!
its a miracle! kina afu was proud of me! haha
i am babysitting my little studs tonight :)
i love my nephews!
hopefully i can make it to kylee's party though...
who knows?!

well i'm outta here!

5 days til im 16!

16 days til school it out!

quote of the day:
"laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

{romeo romeo wherefore art thou romeo?}

so i decided that i am wayyyy to depressing in these last couple posts.
SO i decided that i am only gonna post good things!
{besides the occasional not too happy thing}

today in physics i got a GREAT nap :)
then went to health and learned about std's. gross.
seminary is HILARIOUS with jake boettcher!
lunch was good! went to beto's!
decided to put everyones hair in pigtails!!
dallon warnick (top two)
mitch fowler.
taylor camp.
dallon's for sure is the best.
LOVE the bobby pins!
did the crt in english!
came home and am still writing my paper!
i am half done... rough....
went and took ryan's senior pictures with:
mom dad, ryan, and hunter.
haha so so fun!
{romeo romeo wherefore art thou romoe?}
had a little photo shoot of my own!
pictures to come :)
still working on my paper.
i am in big trouble mister..........
well off to get to work!

8 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{8 is my fav number, just sayin.}

19 days til summer

quote of the day:

"For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
 For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
 For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
 For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.
 For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
 People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
 As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others."
Audrey Hepburn

Monday, May 16, 2011

kind of a bad day.

thought today was gonna be good...
but it just got worse.

slept in for cheer today.
watched a dumb movie in history.
spanish test. thought it was easy but i'm worried...
lunch. so dumb.
sometimes i wanna punch people. REALLY hard!
math. HATE that class.
i think that the goal everyday in that class is to see who can make
me look like the biggest retard.
well wanna know something, its NOT funny!
came home and talked with my parents.
{my dad's off this week and mom was home for lunch}
then i get a DUMB text blaming me for something that i didnt even do.
finally got that figured out.
i love the conversations i can have with some people!
haha we got each others backs :)
now off to write a 5 {FIVE} page paper...
on concentration camps...
thats due on wednesday...
and i have known about it for a month and a half.
i am good at procrastinating!!

well... sorry for being so debbie downer.
but people say that their blog is their journal. and in my journal,
i write what i feel.
haha and this is what i am feelin!!

NINE days :)

20 til summer!!

quote of the day:
"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."
-Abraham Lincoln

gotta work on that one today....

Sunday, May 15, 2011


i haven't blogged in....... a long time.
and like keena, i am not gonna promise anything until summer.

life has been so CRAZY its insane!!
there is kinda no point in catching up...
cause by now its old news.

but here are some of the things have that been taking LOTS of time:

school {hate it}
cheer. {finally getting a COACH}
crt's {no madi, not CTR's ;)}
weddings {finally starting!!!}
lindsey's run {did so good!!}
stadium of fire talent search. {bummed i didnt get to see
getting volunteered for things.... {hunter.}
spent time with friends {and family}

thats pretty much it...
my life has been crazy but BORING lately.

ryan graduated from seminary today!!!
congrats bro :)

{and kirsten's baby is coming then too ;)}
she's really due on june 5th.

only 19 days til school is out!!
then the crazy summer begins

all i can say is that i LOVE my famdamily and frennnns!!
they are always there for me!
{especially when i have breakdowns!}
i am so thankful for laughter!!
the ONLY way that can get me through the day sometimes.
and i love my ward :)

well. here are some random pictures...

pretty sure this is carlie elder's twin.
look up the gardiner sisters on youtube.

bowen revill.
check him on youtube!!
such a cutie!!

lindsey's run.
living through laughter.

love my chinkers!!

well thats about it.
but before i forget....

quote of the day:
"life is to be enjoyed, not endured."
-pres gordon b. hinkley.
sure do miss him!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today was a good day :)
Cheer this morning was good! I am gonna miss all my girls!
History. Watched the CHEESIEST movie!
Haha court, jonny, and I were crackin up!
Spanish. Had a dumb sub. Watched another movie.
George, Jordan, nate, and I were goin crazy! Love it :)
Lunch. Went to Mitchell fowler's house.
Did math and got a tour. Haha
"no I have never jumped off or hung from the railing."
Then went to math. Oh how I love that class!!
"Dont get mad!!!!!!!!"
I can never stop laughing :)
came home and made a smoothie! So yummy!

I decided that quote thing is kinda rather stupid...
The quotes it comes up with don't even make sense.
So I will be going back to choosing a quote each day!

"The happiest of people don't necessary have the best of everything;
they just make the most of everything that comes along their way!"

Come what may and love it!

Only 21 days :)
Yup. That's 3 weeks!!

s**ty ;)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

hit by a truck perhaps?

today i woke up and was exhausted.
last night my knee was really hurting me so i took
two tylenol pm.
usually that works, but it didnt this time.
i felt like i got hit by a truck today.
in physics my (aka hunter's) rocket went the furthest!
ya buddy!
in health i had to draw a p*n*s on the board...
that was interesting.
dallon warnick had to do it also.
sem sem was... boring.
lunch. boring.
english. mr rice came to visit!!!!
yayyy :) i missed him!
came home after school, ate pasta and slept.

as you can see today has been rather boring.
like this post.

off to do homework.
and sing for YCL's later? yeah idk.

d&c 136: 17&30

Monday, May 2, 2011

prommmmmmmmm night!!

well hello fellow bloggers!!
it's been FOREVER since i last blogged,
sorry about that!
things have been super crazy around here!

i dont even know where to start...

last weekend was quite possibly the BEST weekend of my life.
(two weekends ago i guess)
well, probably not. but it was amazing!!
on friday i helped jordan ask maddie
and isaiah ask ali to prom!!
so so fun!
george is an AWFUL driver.
haha okay maybe not.
saturday i helped maddie answer jordan to prom!
yayyy :)
then... haha well ya know.
did something i will never forget!!
sunday was easter!!
i colored eggs, had an easter egg hunt, and
spent time with the famdamily!
who knows about this week.
it was super boring and i was pretty onry all week!
(idk how to spell that. onry. onery. anry. who knows?)
but i loved cheer on thursday!!
worked so hard!
greg ringer is the funniest person.
"SEE. thats why guys think you people are crazy!!"
haha love :)

went to meg whitikers suprise party!
super fun!
george and jake kill me!

well if i was 16 it probably would have been the best night.
but i'm not.
so while everyone else was at prom, hunter and i are partied it up!
we had some funny conversations with awakward people...
haha and went to see PROM the movie!!
walk in and saw everyone that wasnt 16 or asked.
best thing!!
 "i talked to myself about it and decied i was okay with it."
haha cheesey but cute :)
then went to yogurtland!!
and her house after.

3 hours of church.
1 1/2 hour meeting.
45 min break.
1 1/2 hour meeting.
family dinner.
all i do is go to meetings...
jk thats not true.
it was a good sunday though!!
lets get our troops out!

no cheer.
history lame.
spanish. hilarious!!
i LOVE when mrs taylor isnt there!
math. hmmm i gotta play on his board thing!! yes!
cheer. dont really do anything.
kinda really frustrated that i dont base....
i dont know why either...
hopefully goin to the ODC concert :)

peace love and go naked.
haha sorry hunter. copied you.
but i reaaaaaally wanted to say it.
hope you dont mind! hah

but first, some random pictures.

i love this little boy :)

this is what we do in math!!!

prom royalty!!

 i guess my uncles bought goats?
yeah, who knows.

 prom night!!
girls went to the movie in dresses!

23 DAYS TIL I'M 16!!

p.s. i'll be better about blogging.
you better believe it!!