sunday was kinda rough.
late to church and missed the sacrament.
sunday school got in an extremely heated discussion with my teacher
about the BYU UTAH game... uncalled for.
but it got better when i got home.
had home teachers and cleaned my room!
then watched beauty and the beast!
can't beat the disney classics!
then watched eat, pray, love with fanny face.
not the best, too long, wouldnt reccomend it.
then watched the ultimate gift with the parentals.
(yes, i did watch three movies, and it was nice!)
curled the hair and went to bed.
today i woke up and had cheer at 6:45.
walked in and brittany grimm and i matched
gold tigers t shirt and royal blue shorts
and we have the same name....
practice wasnt that bad today.
we warmed up our stunts and then did a run through
my stunt group was bomb today!!
our backspot, carlie, is gone til friday and we have our first competition on saturday.... makes me nervous but we'll rock it!
history was good.
espanol was bien. we played darts!! yes!!
walkin to my locker after spanish and saw madds walk out of english.
we both were wearing a white long sleeve with a scarf, skinnies, and boots.
wow.... we matched too! (pictures below...)
seminary was great! learned about david o. mckay
when he was a prophet there were only 13 temples,
and now there are more than 130!!
thats only in 40 years! wow.
after school i had another cheer practice.
we went through our pom routine then our competition dance
we finished a half hour early!!
yeah baby :)
came home and now am blogging...
i have a funny story about my little nephew noa.
tiff was changing his diaper, and i was keeping him distracted
she finished and flipped him on his back.
he had ahold of my hair and smacked it on the crib.
i had my head on the floor and tiff was crackin up
then noa started laughing (he is 6 1/2 months fyi)
so i look up and grab him and start laughing and say:
why're you laughing its not funny?
and he grabs my face and gives me a kiss!!
precious! :)
then we all were laughin... haha guess you had to be there but it was cute!
decorating for christmas tonight!!!! can't wait!
but having thanksgiving leftovers for the third night in a row... rough.
thats all for now :)
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